Web Search API
Get enhanced search details from billions of web documents, including news, images, videos, and more.
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Get enhanced search details from billions of web documents, including news, images, videos, and more.
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The Web Search API allows you to search for any web page information and URLs across the internet, providing accurate results with complete summaries. This API is optimized for AI applications and delivers results that are highly relevant and well-suited for machine processing.
The Web Search API returns results in the following categories:
Web Pages: Includes information such as title, URL, snippet, summary, site name, and site icon.
The response format is compatible with Bing Search API.
API Domain: https://api.langsearch.com
Endpoint: https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search
Method: POST
Request Headers
Bearer {API KEY}
Specifies the format of the request body.
Request Body Parameters
The user's search query.
Specifies the time range for search results. Possible values:
- oneDay
: Results from the past 24 hours.
- oneWeek
: Results from the past week.
- oneMonth
: Results from the past month.
- oneYear
: Results from the past year.
- noLimit
: No time filter (default).
Whether to show long text summaries for results. Possible values:
- true
: Show summaries.
- false
: Do not show summaries (default).
The number of results to return. Possible range: 1-10 (default is 10).
The response will contain the following fields:
: "SearchResponse"
queryContext: Information about the search query.
webPages: List of web search results.
: The original search query provided by the user.
: The URL of the search result.
: The estimated total number of results.
: A list of web pages returned in the search results.
: Whether some results were removed due to restrictions.
: Unique identifier for the web page.
: The title of the webpage.
: The URL of the webpage.
: The decoded version of the webpage URL.
: A brief snippet from the web page.
: Full summary (only when summary=true
: The date the page was published.
: The last date the page was crawled.
Request Body:
"query": "tell me the highlights from Apple's 2024 ESG report",
"freshness": "onLimit",
"summary": true,
"count": 10
"code": 200,
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"originalQuery": "tell me the highlights from Apple's 2024 ESG report"
"webPages": {
"webSearchUrl": "https://langsearch.com/search?q=tell me the highlights from Apple's 2024 ESG report",
"totalEstimatedMatches": null,
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"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#1",
"name": "ESG Report June 2024 - Apple Inc. (AAPL)",
"url": "https://www.crispidea.com/report/esg-report-june-2024-apple/",
"displayUrl": "https://www.crispidea.com/report/esg-report-june-2024-apple/",
"snippet": "esg report june 2024 – apple inc. ( aapl ) \n highlights of the report \n over the last 5 years , the company has an average esg score of 75 . 07 , and a median esg score of 76 . 09 . esg score is calculated as a sum of weighted individual pillar scores . \n esg report june 2024 - apple inc. ( aapl ) \n why crisp idea esg report ? \n ou r esg database helps organizations to navigate the complex landscape of sustainability , responsible business practices , and stakeholder engagement . our esg factors...",
"summary": "esg report june 2024 – apple inc. ( aapl ) \n highlights of the report \n over the last 5 years , the company has an average esg score of 75 . 07 , and a median esg score of 76 . 09 . esg score is calculated as a sum of weighted individual pillar scores . \n esg report june 2024 - apple inc. ( aapl ) \n why crisp idea esg report ? \n ou r esg database helps organizations to navigate the complex landscape of sustainability , responsible business practices , and stakeholder engagement . our esg factors can be easily integrated into portfolio analysis , equity research , screening or quantitative analysis . \n we conduct comprehensive assessments to evaluate organization ’s esg performance , policies , and practices . we provide standardized esg ~ 500 data points and ~ 60 analytics for nearly 80 % of global market cap based on publicly reported company data and cover ~ 200 countries . \n table of content \n – esg summary \n – performance summary \n – peer summary \n – historical performance summary \n report details \n esg report june 2024 – apple inc. ( aapl ) \n pages \n 4 \n format \n pdf \n language \n english \n price \n $ 99 . 00",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#2",
"name": "Apple ESG rating 2023: Key takeaways from Apple's ESG Report - Permutable",
"url": "https://permutable.ai/6-key-takeaways-from-the-apple-esg-report/",
"displayUrl": "https://permutable.ai/6-key-takeaways-from-the-apple-esg-report/",
"snippet": "apple esg rating 2023 : key takeaways from apple ’s esg report \n this article was originally written in 2023 based on apple ’s esg report from that year . for the most up - to - date information and analysis , please scroll down to the 2024 update section . as of 2023 , the most recent apple esg report showed that the company had made significant efforts to become more environmentally friendly in recent years . with ambitious sustainability goals and progress towards achieving them , there was ,...",
"summary": "apple esg rating 2023 : key takeaways from apple ’s esg report \n this article was originally written in 2023 based on apple ’s esg report from that year . for the most up - to - date information and analysis , please scroll down to the 2024 update section . as of 2023 , the most recent apple esg report showed that the company had made significant efforts to become more environmentally friendly in recent years . with ambitious sustainability goals and progress towards achieving them , there was , however , in terms of the apple esg rating , still room for improvement . like any company , apple faced esg risks that could potentially impact its business operations , reputation , and financial performance . some of the key esg risks that apple faced according to our esg data were : \n the most recent apple esg report shows that the company has made significant efforts to become more environmentally friendly in recent years . with ambitious sustainability goals and progress towards achieving them , there is however in terms of the apple esg rating , there is still room for improvement . like any company , apple faces esg risks that could potentially impact its business operations , reputation , and financial performance . some of the key esg risks that apple faces include according to our esg data are : \n supply chain risks \n apple ’s supply chain is complex and spans multiple countries , which could expose the company to risks such as labour violations , human rights abuses , and environmental issues . \n cyber security risks \n as a technology company , apple is vulnerable to cyber security risks such as data breaches , hacking , and cyber attacks , which could compromise customer data and damage the company ’s reputation . \n regulatory risks \n apple operates in highly regulated industries , and changes to regulations or policies could impact the company ’s operations and financial performance . for example , changes to tax laws or privacy regulations could have a significant impact on apple ’s business . \n climate change risks \n apple is exposed to climate change risks such as extreme weather events , disruptions to its supply chain , and increasing energy costs . these risks could impact the company ’s operations and financial performance . \n reputation risks \n apple ’s reputation is critical to its success , and the company could face reputation risks if it is seen as engaging in unethical or irresponsible behaviour , such as labour violations or environmental damage . \n apple ’s environmental performance \n apple ’s commitment to reduce waste \n apple ’s report states that over 90 percent of the company ’s total plastic packaging waste comes from shipping , which is why it is working towards finding new ways to reduce this waste . in addition , apple is making efforts to reduce its overall waste through a variety of programs and initiatives . \n in terms of supply chain sustainability , apple has worked with suppliers to reduce their environmental impact ( and improve working conditions ) and has also made efforts to use more sustainable materials in its products , such as recycled and responsibly sourced materials . \n apple ’s report states that the company has been working to expand its recycling program so that all of its packaging can be reused and recycled . their free recycling initiative allows customers to recycle their devices for free . meanwhile , the company also uses recycled materials in its products , such as recycled aluminum in its macbook air and mac mini . \n energy efficiency and renewables \n apples states that it has made its products more energy - efficient , reducing their environmental impact . for example , the company has developed more energy - efficient processors , displays , and batteries , and has implemented power - saving features in its software . they have also been exploring ways to reduce the amount of energy used to send and store products . \n for example , the company has been working on ways to store products in their data centers with less power consumption . the company has been investing in new technologies that help reduce its power consumption as well as exploring new ways to expand its operations so that it can become more energy efficient . \n in terms of renewable energy , apple has committed to 100 % renewable energy for its operations and has made significant investments in renewable energy projects . the company ’s data centers , offices , and retail stores are powered by renewable energy , and apple has also invested in large - scale solar and wind projects . \n apple ’s smart city initiative \n apple ’s report discusses how the company is using technology to make cities smarter , which is part of its smart city initiative . as part of this , the company has been working to improve the smart city systems it uses , including developing new software that can help manage traffic , reduce the risk of cyber attacks , and support public safety . \n in addition , the company has been working to improve the quality of life for residents , such as creating new solutions for waste management and public transportation . apple has also been exploring how it can use technology to help cities improve their overall resiliency . this includes finding ways to help cities more quickly respond to natural disasters as well as help them better manage their daily operations , such as public transportation . \n apple ’s efforts to improve air quality \n apple ’s report discusses how the company is working to improve air quality through several initiatives . the company says that it is making progress towards its net zero targets and goal of reducing carbon emissions at its data centers . the company also says that it is investing in renewable energy to help reduce its environmental impact across the globe . \n apple is also working to improve air quality through its supply chain and using technology to reduce its impact on the environment . some of these initiatives include working to minimize the impact of packaging , using machine learning to reduce the amount of water used to ship products , and using artificial intelligence to optimize power consumption . \n apple ’s focus on water conservation and product reuse \n apple is working to conserve water through a variety of initiatives . the company is exploring ways to reduce its overall water consumption , while also looking for ways to reuse water . some of the ways that apple is reducing water consumption include reducing the intensity of its cooler operations , exploring new ways to manage water use , and reducing the amount of water used in product manufacture . apple has also been exploring ways to reuse and recycle water . some of these efforts include creating fertilizer for crops on apple ’s facilities and delivering drinking water to customers . \n apple ’s strategy for landscape and biodiversity protection \n apple has invested in research to better understand the environmental impacts of its products and operations . for example , the company has conducted research on the impact of its supply chain on biodiversity , and has developed tools to help its suppliers identify and address environmental risks . \n apple ’s report discusses how apple is working to promote landscape protection and support biodiversity . this includes providing planting instructions for employees , creating new tools to help promote the planting of trees and grasses , and providing support for local conservation groups . for example , the company has worked with the world wildlife fund to protect forests in china and with conservation international to protect mangrove forests in colombia . apple has also made donations to the conservation fund and the national park foundation . \n apple has committed to sourcing materials for its products from responsibly managed forests , which helps protect biodiversity . the company also works to eliminate materials from high - risk areas , such as those with high rates of deforestation . in addition , apple has developed a supplier code of conduct that includes environmental standards and requires suppliers to follow responsible sourcing practices . \n apple ’s corporate governance and behaviour performance \n while apple is generally well - regarded for its corporate governance and behaviour , the company has faced some criticism in these areas over the years which has muddied its esg reputation in this our and is why our apple esg rating within this field is comparatively low . some of the criticisms leveled against apple include : \n tax avoidance \n apple has been accused of using various tax avoidance strategies to minimize its tax liability . this has led to criticism from some quarters that the company is not paying its fair share of taxes . \n labour practices \n apple has faced criticism for its labour practices in its supply chain . specifically , the company has been accused of exploiting workers in its factories in china and elsewhere , and of failing to ensure safe working conditions and fair wages for workers . \n environmental impact \n while apple has made commitments to reduce its environmental footprint , some critics argue that the company has not done enough to address its impact on the environment . for example , apple has been criticized for not doing enough to promote recycling of its products , and for not using more recycled materials in its products . \n board diversity \n apple has faced criticism for its lack of board diversity , with some critics arguing that the company needs to do more to promote diversity and inclusion at the highest levels of the organization . \n overall , while apple has generally been praised for its corporate governance and behaviour , the company has faced some valid criticisms in these areas , and there is room for improvement in some areas . \n 2024 update \n as we make our way through 2024 , apple ’s latest esg report demonstrates significant strides in environmental sustainability , while also highlighting areas for continued improvement . this update reflects on apple ’s progress and the ongoing esg risks and challenges the company faces . \n environmental initiatives \n waste reduction : apple has made substantial progress in reducing plastic packaging waste , with over 95 % of its packaging now made from recycled or renewable materials . the company ’s free recycling program has expanded globally , significantly increasing the recycling rates of apple products . \n supply chain sustainability : apple has intensified efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its supply chain . over 300 of its suppliers now use renewable energy , and the company has implemented stricter environmental standards for all tiers of its supply chain . \n energy efficiency and renewables : apple has achieved its goal of 100 % renewable energy for its operations and has made significant progress towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal for its entire supply chain and product lifecycle . the company has also launched innovative energy storage solutions to support its renewable energy initiatives . \n water conservation : apple has updated its water strategy to focus on replenishment and reuse as part of this plans to be carbon neutral by 2030 . \n biodiversity protection : apple has expanded its restore fund , a project that it first launched in 2021 with a $ 200 million investment . through the restore fund , apple backs new financially - viable initiatives to restore forest woodland areas , which removes carbon from the atmosphere . \n esg risks and challenges \n despite these advancements , apple continues to face several esg risks in 2024 : \n supply chain risks : while improvements have been made , apple ’s complex global supply chain still poses risks related to labour practices , human rights , and environmental standards . the company has increased supply chain audits and transparency , but challenges persist . \n cybersecurity : as cyber threats evolve , apple faces ongoing risks related to data security and privacy . the company has strengthened its cyber security measures but remains a high - profile target for cyberattacks . \n regulatory compliance : apple continues to navigate a complex regulatory landscape , particularly regarding antitrust issues , data privacy , and tax practices . they are also one of the worst perceived companies for political risk according to our data . the company has made efforts to improve tax transparency , but still faces scrutiny in some jurisdictions . \n climate change : while apple has made significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint , it remains vulnerable to climate - related risks , including supply chain disruptions and increased operational costs due to extreme weather events . \n reputation management : apple ’s high profile makes it susceptible to reputational and adverse esg events . the company has improved its stakeholder engagement and transparency , but controversies around labor practices in its supply chain and product repairability continue to pose challenges . \n corporate governance and behaviour \n apple has made notable improvements in its corporate governance : \n board diversity : the company has significantly increased the diversity of its board , with over 50 % of board members now from underrepresented groups . \n tax practices : apple has increased its global effective tax rate and improved tax transparency , though some critics argue for further improvements . \n labour practices : stricter supplier codes of conduct and increased audits have led to improvements in labour conditions throughout the supply chain , but ongoing monitoring remains crucial . one such example can be found in its cutting of 14 suppliers using conflict materials . \n updated conclusion for 2024 \n overall , in terms of the apple esg rating , there has been substantial progress , particularly in environmental sustainability and corporate governance . the company has set industry - leading standards in areas such as renewable energy use , waste reduction , and supply chain management . however , apple continues to face significant esg risks and challenges , particularly in areas of supply chain management , cybersecurity , and regulatory compliance . \n while apple ’s esg rating has improved , there remains room for further enhancement , especially in addressing persistent criticisms around tax practices , labor issues in the supply chain , and product life cycle management . the company ’s continued efforts to address these challenges will be crucial in maintaining its position as a leader in corporate sustainability and responsibility in the tech industry . \n compare our apple esg score against their competitors \n – samsung esg report \n – google esg report \n – xiaomi esg report \n – microsoft esg report \n – dell esg report \n – hp esg report",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#3",
"name": "Apple (AAPL) ESG Score and Rating 2024",
"url": "https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NASDAQ/aapl/sustainability/",
"displayUrl": "https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NASDAQ/aapl/sustainability/",
"snippet": "apple ( aapl ) esg score & sustainability data \n $ 216 . 79 \n + 0 . 47 ( + 0 . 22 % ) \n ( as of 09 / 17 / 2024 et ) \n key esg takeaways for apple \n the key takeaways are ai - generated and highlight the main contributors behind the net impact scores of apple . the insights are based on millions of scientific articles , along with the company - specific product and service portfolio . \n apple seems to create the most significant positive value in categories taxes , distributing knowledge , and ...",
"summary": "apple ( aapl ) esg score & sustainability data \n $ 216 . 79 \n + 0 . 47 ( + 0 . 22 % ) \n ( as of 09 / 17 / 2024 et ) \n key esg takeaways for apple \n the key takeaways are ai - generated and highlight the main contributors behind the net impact scores of apple . the insights are based on millions of scientific articles , along with the company - specific product and service portfolio . \n apple seems to create the most significant positive value in categories taxes , distributing knowledge , and knowledge infrastructure . the positive contribution in the distributing knowledge impact category is mostly driven by its smartphones , tablet computers , and desktop computers products . \n apple uses resources or causes negative impacts mostly in categories scarce human capital , waste , and ghg emissions . the negative contribution in the waste impact category seems to be driven mostly by its smartphones , smartphone adapters , and tablet computers products . \n to improve its net impact , a company can either grow its positive impacts , or reduce its negative impacts . for example , by doubling its technical customer support services for consumer electronics business , apple would improve its net impact ratio by 1 percentage points . \n aapl impact ratio \n net impact ratio represents the net impact of a company . it is defined as the ( positive impacts - negative impacts ) / positive impacts . the maximum value for net impact ratio is 100 % , representing a theoretical company with no negative impacts . the minimum value is - ∞ . net scores depend on the value sets that determine the importance of different impact categories . \n + 23 . 4 % \n the default value set , where each category is given the same weight . \n value sets \n value sets can be used to assess how different stakeholder values or emphasis on certain values might affect the net impact ratio . \n millennials \n value set of millennials ( b . 1980 - 1999 ) , based on upright 's annual impact at work survey . \n + 45 . 2 % \n most wanted workforce \n value set of the most wanted workforce , based on upright 's annual impact at work survey . \n + 15 . 0 % \n society first \n value set that emphasizes society impacts over other impacts . \n + 11 . 4 % \n knowledge first \n value set that emphasizes knowledge impacts over other impacts . \n + 78 . 5 % \n health first \n value set that emphasizes health impacts over other impacts . \n + 5 . 4 % \n apple esg score + net impact profile \n impact negative score positive \n society \n - 0 . 28 + 2 . 10 \n + 2 . 38 \n jobs + 0 . 68 + 0 . 68 \n taxes + 1 . 43 + 1 . 43 \n societal infrastructure + 0 . 10 + 0 . 10 \n societal stability - 0 . 15 - 0 . 03 + 0 . 12 \n equality & human rights - 0 . 13 - 0 . 08 + 0 . 05 \n knowledge \n - 1 . 21 + 1 . 16 \n + 2 . 37 \n knowledge infrastructure + 1 . 04 + 1 . 04 \n creating knowledge + 0 . 23 + 0 . 23 \n distributing knowledge - 0 . 01 + 1 . 09 + 1 . 10 \n scarce human capital - 1 . 21 - 1 . 21 \n health \n - 0 . 93 + 0 . 07 \n + 1 . 01 \n physical diseases - 0 . 26 - 0 . 11 + 0 . 15 \n mental diseases - 0 . 54 - 0 . 51 + 0 . 03 \n nutrition + 0 . 00 + 0 . 00 \n relationships - 0 . 07 + 0 . 43 + 0 . 50 \n meaning & joy - 0 . 06 + 0 . 26 + 0 . 32 \n environment \n - 2 . 05 - 1 . 97 \n + 0 . 08 \n ghg emissions - 0 . 72 - 0 . 68 + 0 . 05 \n non - ghg emissions - 0 . 11 - 0 . 09 + 0 . 02 \n scarce natural resources - 0 . 33 - 0 . 33 + 0 . 00 \n biodiversity - 0 . 14 - 0 . 14 + 0 . 00 \n waste - 0 . 74 - 0 . 73 + 0 . 01 \n jobs : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n employing people and thus enabling them to gain financial actorship and identity in society . in this impact , we take into account people employed both directly by the company , as well as indirectly by its suppliers and customers . \n example : a company employs 700 people . \n taxes : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n contributing to joint resources via taxes paid directly by the company or indirectly by its suppliers and customers . \n example : a company pays its corporate taxes . \n societal infrastructure : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n contributing to or forming basic societal infrastructure , such as roads , sewage systems , electricity network , hospitals , schools , and pension systems . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company builds sewer systems . \n societal stability : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n decreasing understanding among people or inciting or enabling armed conflict . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces firearms that are used in armed conflicts . \n positive impacts \n increasing understanding among people or inciting or enabling peace . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company offers translation services that help people with no common language understand each other . \n equality & human rights : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n decreasing racial , economic or gender equality , or violating human rights . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company uses conflict minerals to produce consumer electronics . \n positive impacts \n increasing racial , economic or gender equality , or enforcing human rights . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company provides microloans to women in developing countries , enabling them to start a business . \n knowledge infrastructure : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n contributing to knowledge infrastructure and thus enabling the effective and safe creation , distribution , and maintenance of knowledge , information , and data . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces base stations . \n creating knowledge : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n enabling , encouraging or practicing the creation of data , information or knowledge . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company providing preclinical research services . \n distributing knowledge : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n distributing untrue or misleading information , or spreading spam content that takes up space from trustworthy information and burdens human cognitive capacity . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company running fake news websites . \n positive impacts \n distributing already existing data , information or knowledge . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company broadcasts television programs . \n scarce human capital : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n the opportunity cost of employing people with scarce skills and capabilities . this impact reflects the fact that oftentimes , the workforce is a company 's most valuable resource . if a company reserves or utilized scarce human capital , it needs to put these resources into use and achieve something on the positive side in order to be considered net positive . in this impact , we take into account people employed both directly by the company , as well as indirectly by its suppliers and customers . \n example : a company employs 140 highly skilled programmers . \n positive impacts \n ( no positive impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n physical diseases : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n causing or contributing towards the development or occurrence of physical diseases , injuries or fatalities . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces cigarettes which have been proven to cause lung cancer . \n positive impacts \n treating , preventing or contributing towards the treatment or prevention of physical diseases , injuries or fatalities . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company develops and produces vaccines . \n mental diseases : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n causing or contributing towards the development of mental health problems . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces slot machines that cause addiction . \n positive impacts \n treating , preventing or contributing towards the treatment and prevention of mental health problems . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company offers psychotherapy services for the treatment of depression . \n nutrition : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n ( no negative impacts are considered for this impact category . ) \n positive impacts \n encouraging , enabling or providing healthy nutrition or contributing to food security . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company sells legumes , which have been proven to be a healthy source of protein and various other nutrients . \n relationships : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n worsening the quality of human relationships and connection . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces alcohol that causes aggression and violence . \n positive impacts \n improving the quality of human relationships and connection . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company offers couple therapy services that help individuals establish and maintain healthy relationships . \n meaning & joy : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n decreasing experiences of joy and sense of meaning . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces fashion advertisements that enforce beauty standards causing anxiety and loss of self - esteem . \n positive impacts \n increasing experiences of joy and sense of meaning . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces chocolate , which makes some people feel enjoyment . \n ghg emissions : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n creating greenhouse gas emissions . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company runs a factory that causes ghg emissions . \n positive impacts \n removing or contributing towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions , or producing or enabling products and services that create fewer ghg emissions compared to their most common alternatives . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company creates carbon - capture technology , or produces wind power . \n non - ghg emissions : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n creating non - ghg emissions , such as land , water and air pollution . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces fertilizers that contain ammonia which can seep into lakes , or diesel - powered passenger cars that create particulate emissions . \n positive impacts \n removing or contributing towards the reduction of non - ghg emissions , such as land , water and air pollution , or producing or enabling products and services that create less non - ghg emissions compared to their most common alternatives . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces oil spill clean - up technology . \n scarce natural resources : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n the use of highly scarce natural resources , such as fresh water , or scarce minerals and metals . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company runs an industrial process that uses large amounts of fresh water , or produces solar panels with rare earth metal components . \n positive impacts \n saving or increasing the amount of highly scarce natural resources , such as fresh water , and scarce minerals and metals . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company produces water desalination systems , which increase the amount of fresh drinking water available . \n biodiversity : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n destroying biodiversity or harming animal welfare . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company cuts down forests to produce palm oil , or utilises intensive animal farming to produce dairy products . \n positive impacts \n protecting or increasing biodiversity or animal welfare . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company breeds bees which help pollinate surrounding flora . \n waste : what does this impact category mean ? \n negative impacts \n creating all types of waste . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company manufactures disposable plastic cups . \n positive impacts \n treating waste and encouraging , enabling or practicing recycling or the re - use of materials . this can occur either directly through the company 's core products and services , indirectly through its suppliers ' operations or when its products and services are used by customers . \n example : a company treats hazardous waste , or runs a platform on which customers can sell used goods . \n upright model version 1.1.0 \n apple esg score - frequently asked questions \n how is apple doing in terms of sustainability ? \n according to the upright project , which measures holistic value creation and impact of companies , apple has a net impact ratio of 23 . 4 % , indicating an overall positive sustainability impact . apple seems to create the most significant positive value in the categories of taxes , distributing knowledge , and knowledge infrastructure . apple uses resources or causes negative impacts mostly in the categories of scarce human capital , waste , and ghg emissions .",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#4",
"name": "Apple ESG 2023: A Deep Dive into Apple's ESG Efforts",
"url": "https://permutable.ai/apple-esg/",
"displayUrl": "https://permutable.ai/apple-esg/",
"snippet": "apple esg 2024 : a deep dive into apple ’s environmental , social , and governance efforts \n esg scores have become increasingly important in recent years as investors and consumers alike are placing more emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility . apple , one of the leading tech companies in the world , has consistently received high esg scores , making it a prime example of how a company ’s commitment to these values can have a significant impact . in this article , we will explo...",
"summary": "apple esg 2024 : a deep dive into apple ’s environmental , social , and governance efforts \n esg scores have become increasingly important in recent years as investors and consumers alike are placing more emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility . apple , one of the leading tech companies in the world , has consistently received high esg scores , making it a prime example of how a company ’s commitment to these values can have a significant impact . in this article , we will explore the apple esg score and delve into the ways in which it has influenced the tech industry . \n what is apple ’s esg score and why is it important ? \n apple ’s esg score is a measure of the company ’s performance in terms of its environmental , social , and governance practices . it takes into account factors such as carbon emissions , waste management , labour practices , diversity and inclusion , board composition , and ethical business conduct . a high esg score indicates that a company is operating in a sustainable and responsible manner , which can have a positive impact on its reputation , brand image , and ultimately its bottom line . according to our esg intelligence , the apple esg score comes in at 93 for environmental factors , 42 for social factors and 15 for governance factors . \n apple ’s commitment to environmental sustainability \n apple has a high environmental score due to the company ’s ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint , transition to renewable energy sources , and minimize waste . for instance , apple has made significant progress in reducing the carbon emissions of its supply chain , investing in renewable energy projects , and implementing energy - efficient technologies in its products . by prioritizing sustainability , apple has not only reduced its environmental impact but has also inspired other companies in the tech industry to follow suit . \n apple ’s social impact \n the apple esg score is lower in social factors attributable to challenges in its vast global supply chain , including labour practices and ethical sourcing , as well as issues concerning data privacy and security . despite advancements in diversity and inclusion , achieving significant diversity in leadership and technical roles remains a challenge , impacting the social component of its esg rating . \n however , apple is working towards improving working conditions in its supply chain , promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce , and supporting education and community development initiatives . for example , apple ’s supplier responsibility program ensures that its suppliers adhere to strict labour standards , including fair wages and safe working conditions . this growing commitment to social responsibility is one that must continue to be built on if apple is to build a positive reputation and attract socially conscious consumers . \n apple ’s corporate governance practices \n apple ’s low governance score is likely to be a result of several factors , including executive compensation concerns , where high pay levels relative to company performance and broader employee compensation can detract from the score . additionally , the composition and independence of apple ’s board , including diversity and the presence of independent directors , alongside the mechanisms for shareholder engagement and rights , play critical roles in governance evaluations . limited shareholder influence on company decisions and perceived deficiencies in board oversight can further negatively affect the governance score . \n it is important to note that governance scores can be influenced by the level of transparency and detail in reporting on business practices , supply chain management , and sustainability efforts . legal and regulatory compliance issues , including any ongoing or past legal challenges , also impact perceptions of governance quality . despite these challenges , apple continues to navigate a complex global landscape , striving to improve its governance practices and address stakeholder concerns in an effort to enhance its esg ratings across the board . \n the influence of apple ’s esg score on the tech industry \n apple ’s exemplary esg score has had a significant influence on the tech industry as a whole . firstly , it has set a benchmark for other companies in terms of environmental sustainability , social impact , and corporate governance . many tech companies have taken note of apple ’s success and have started to prioritize esg factors in their own operations . this has led to a positive ripple effect , with the industry as a whole becoming more conscious of its impact on the environment and society . \n how apple ’s esg score affects consumer perception and purchasing decisions \n apple ’s high esg score has also had a profound impact on consumer perception and purchasing decisions . today ’s consumers are increasingly concerned about the social and environmental implications of the products they buy . by consistently receiving high esg scores , apple has positioned itself as a brand that aligns with these values . this has not only attracted socially conscious consumers but has also given apple a competitive advantage over other tech companies . consumers are more likely to choose apple products over alternatives because they see the company as one that shares their values and makes a positive impact on the world . \n comparing apple ’s esg score to other tech companies \n apple operates in a highly competitive technology market . here ’s a general overview of how apple might compare to some of its main competitors based on common esg criteria : \n environmental practices : apple has been recognized for its strong commitment to environmental sustainability , including efforts to reduce carbon emissions , use renewable energy across its operations , and improve the energy efficiency of its products . competitors like samsung and google also have significant initiatives in place for environmental sustainability , but apple ’s ambitious goals , such as becoming carbon neutral across its entire business by 2030 , set a high benchmark in the tech industry . \n social responsibility : apple ’s social initiatives focus on privacy , equity , and education , including substantial investments in coding and education programs . however , it faces challenges related to labour practices and supply chain management . competitors such as google and microsoft also emphasize social responsibility , with initiatives supporting digital inclusion and ethical supply chains . the social scores can vary based on how each company ’s labour practices , data privacy , and community engagement are evaluated . \n governance : apple ’s governance practices are scrutinized for executive compensation , board diversity , and shareholder rights , similar to its peers . companies like microsoft and amazon are also evaluated on these criteria , with governance scores influenced by factors such as transparency , ethical business practices , and compliance with regulations . differences in governance scores among these companies often reflect their corporate structures , policies , and transparency levels . \n while apple generally scores well in esg metrics , especially on environmental initiatives , its competitors also have strong esg commitments and performance in various areas . the exact comparison of esg scores can vary over time and depending on the rating agency , reflecting the ongoing efforts by all these companies to address esg concerns and improve their practices . \n apple esg score : summing up \n apple ’s journey in the realms of environmental sustainability , social impact , and corporate governance paints a vivid picture of a tech giant striving to lead by example in the esg domain . with a commendable environmental score driven by ambitious sustainability goals , apple has not only minimized its carbon footprint but has also set a benchmark for the industry . despite facing challenges in social and governance aspects , particularly concerning supply chain practices , data privacy , and executive compensation , the company is actively working to enhance its standings . initiatives like the supplier responsibility program underline apple ’s commitment to improving working conditions and promoting fair labour practices . \n the broader impact of apple ’s esg efforts extends well beyond its own operations , influencing both the tech industry at large and consumer perceptions . by setting high esg standards , apple has catalysed a shift towards more sustainable and responsible business practices among its peers . for consumers , apple ’s strong esg score translates into a brand that resonates with their values of sustainability and ethical responsibility , influencing purchasing decisions . similarly , investors increasingly factor in esg scores , with apple attracting those prioritising social and environmental considerations . as the tech industry continues to evolve , apple ’s ongoing commitment to esg excellence remains a critical part of its identity , underscoring the integral role of sustainability and ethical practices in shaping the future of technology .",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#5",
"name": "Apple ESG Report 2024 - Google Search",
"url": "https://www.google.bi/search?q=Apple+ESG+Report+2024&source=lnt&tbm=nws",
"displayUrl": "https://www.google.bi/search?q=Apple ESG Report 2024&source=lnt&tbm=nws",
"snippet": "apple esg report 2024 \n apple hospitality reit publishes annual corporate responsibility report \n business wire \n richmond , va . - - ( business wire ) - - apple hospitality reit , inc. ( nyse : aple ) ( the “ company ” or “ apple hospitality ” ) today published its annual . . . \n atrenew ’s latest esg report shows improving carbon emissions , gender diversity \n bamboo works \n atrenew showcased a continued reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity and its progress in other efforts in its f...",
"summary": "apple esg report 2024 \n apple hospitality reit publishes annual corporate responsibility report \n business wire \n richmond , va . - - ( business wire ) - - apple hospitality reit , inc. ( nyse : aple ) ( the “ company ” or “ apple hospitality ” ) today published its annual . . . \n atrenew ’s latest esg report shows improving carbon emissions , gender diversity \n bamboo works \n atrenew showcased a continued reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity and its progress in other efforts in its fourth esg report . \n apple strengthens its carbon neutral strategy with new iphone 16 environmental report \n seneca esg \n this report underscores apple 's ambitious esg ( environmental , social , and governance ) strategy , detailing the progress made in reducing the environmental . . . \n apple reduces carbon footprint of new iphone by 30 % \n esg today \n the report indicated that apple has achieved life cycle greenhouse gas ( ghg ) emissions reductions of 30 % for its new iphone 16 pro 128 gb and iphone pro 16 max . . . \n apple reduces new iphone 16 ’s carbon footprint by 30 % \n esg news \n 30 % carbon footprint reduction : apple 's iphone 16 plus achieved a 30 % reduction in emissions , thanks to recycled materials and supplier . . . \n 2024 : the year of esg , non - financial reporting , and sustainability \n rsm global \n rsm 's global experts analyse how 2024 is shaping up as the year of esg , unravel the significance of non - financial reporting , and explore the evolving landscape . . . \n power thirst complicates esg investors ' love affair with tech stocks \n reuters \n investors who manage hundreds of billions of dollars are pressing microsoft , alphabet and others for more information on the power needed . . . \n 3 new risks that apple warned about in its annual report \n business insider \n apple updated its list of \" risk factors \" with new language about future product profitability , geopolitical tensions , and ai features . \n what is environmental , social and governance ( esg ) ? \n built in \n esg is a quantitative , data - based approach to determine a company 's improvement in its environmental , social and corporate governance efforts over time . \n škoda auto ’s 2023 sustainability report : updated esg strategy and advancements towards a more sustainable future \n škoda storyboard \n mladá boleslav , 20 march 2024 – the 2023 škoda auto sustainability report provides a comprehensive overview of the czech carmaker 's updated . . .",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#6",
"name": "Apple : 2024 report - MarketScreener",
"url": "https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/APPLE-INC-4849/news/Apple-2024-report-46468356/",
"displayUrl": "https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/APPLE-INC-4849/news/Apple-2024-report-46468356/",
"snippet": "aapl \n 224 . 94 $ + 3 . 01 % \n apple inc. \n real - time estimate cboe bzx \n other stock markets \n 01 : 24 : 16 2024 - 08 - 02 pm edt \n 5-day change \n 1st jan change \n 224 . 94 usd + 3 . 01 % \n + 3 . 14 % \n + 16 . 76 % \n apple : 2024 report \n environmental \n progress \n report \n covering fiscal year 2023 \n contents introduction environmental initiatives engagement and advocacy data appendix 2024 environmental progress report 2 \n contents \n introduction environmental \n 3 reflections from lisa jacks...",
"summary": "aapl \n 224 . 94 $ + 3 . 01 % \n apple inc. \n real - time estimate cboe bzx \n other stock markets \n 01 : 24 : 16 2024 - 08 - 02 pm edt \n 5-day change \n 1st jan change \n 224 . 94 usd + 3 . 01 % \n + 3 . 14 % \n + 16 . 76 % \n apple : 2024 report \n environmental \n progress \n report \n covering fiscal year 2023 \n contents introduction environmental initiatives engagement and advocacy data appendix 2024 environmental progress report 2 \n contents \n introduction environmental \n 3 reflections from lisa jackson initiatives \n 4 report highlights apple 2030 \n goals and progress \n 5 11 journey to apple 2030 \n 12 approach \n 15 design and materials \n 24 electricity \n 32 direct emissions \n 35 carbon removal \n resources \n 39 approach \n 40 product longevity \n 45 material recovery \n 48 water \n 52 zero waste \n smarter chemistry \n 58 approach \n 59 mapping \n 61 assessment \n 63 innovation \n engagement and appendix \n advocacy 85 a : corporate facilities energy supplement \n 67 approach 94 b : apple 's life cycle assessment methodology \n c : assurance and review statements \n 68 listening to a range of voices 96 \n d : environment , health and safety policy \n 69 achieving change together 107 \n e : iso 14001 certification \n 73 supporting communities 109 \n report notes \n worldwide 111 \n end notes \n 112 \n data \n greenhouse gas emissions \n high quality carbon certificates \n carbon footprint by product \n energy \n resources \n normalizing factors \n contents introduction environmental initiatives engagement and advocacy data appendix \n 2024 environmental progress report 3 \n reflections \n apple 's commitment to climate action has never been more clear . \n thanks to the hard work of teams across our company , we've reduced our emissions by over 55 percent since 2015 . we've crossed key milestones on our environmental journey . and we 're rising to the generational challenge of climate change by working with companies and communities that span the globe . \n apple 2030 is our commitment to be carbon neutral for our entire footprint by the end of the decade . we 'll get there by innovating at every stage of the product life cycle - from how they 're made , to what they 're made from . \n that starts with bringing new clean energy online across our supply chain . today , more than 320 suppliers have committed to using renewable electricity for apple production . with over 16 gigawatts already online , they 're avoiding more than 18 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions . \n our teams and suppliers are a part of so many communities , so apple 's work to protect the planet takes us around the world . \n that 's why we 're partnering directly with communities and local organizations to support environmental solutions where they 're needed most . in 2023 , that meant expanding our power for impact program to bring clean energy to underserved communities in nepal and colombia , and supporting programs that increase access to safe water and sanitation in india . \n we 're also building our products with more recycled and renewable material than ever - work that helps to drive down our carbon footprint . our customers play an important role in this effort . \n when you participate in the apple trade-in program , you 're helping to bring us closer to the day our products will be made without taking anything from the earth . \n the proof is in our products . last year , more than 20 percent of the materials we shipped in apple products came from recycled sources . macbook air is our first product made with more than \n 50 percent recycled material , and we 're making important strides across all of our products . the iphone 15 lineup , apple watch series 9 , and apple watch ultra 2 use 100 recycled cobalt in their batteries . more than 99 percent of the tungsten in our products comes from recycled sources . and we 're driving innovation around the world to improve the way our industry recycles \n and recovers materials . \n we 're also finding new and better ways to get apple products into people 's hands . it 's not just trains , planes , and automobiles - increasingly , we 're shipping apple products on the open seas , because ocean freight can reduce emissions by as much as \n 95 percent compared to air transport . and we continue to restore our planet 's ecosystems - like the atlantic forest , which stretches from brazil to paraguay - that play a key role in removing carbon from the atmosphere . \n what does all this work add up to ? progress . and that progress is sorely needed , because the impacts of climate change are all around us . its frontlines are not in boardrooms or government buildings - they 're in communities . and we owe it to our global community \n to rise to the challenge of climate change with all the innovation , empathy , and commitment we can muster . \n lisa jackson \n vp , environment , policy and social initiatives \n contents introduction environmental initiatives engagement and advocacy data appendix \n report highlights \n 2024 environmental progress report 4 \n reduced our overall emissions by more than 55 percent \n we reduced our overall greenhouse gas emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3 by more than 55 percent compared with our 2015 baseline year - not including offsets . 1 in that same time period , revenue grew \n by 64 percent . we estimate that we've avoided 31 million metric tons of emissions through reduction efforts like transitioning our supply chain to renewable electricity \n and sourcing recycled content . \n introduced our most significant product emissions reductions to - date \n innovations in design and clean energy drove dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions for the fall apple watch lineup - the most significant from our business - as - usual scenario . 2 this included 100 percent clean energy for manufacturing and product use , 30 percent recycled and renewable material by weight , and 50 percent shipping without the use of air transportation . 3 \n advocated for reporting transparency \n as part of our commitment to greenhouse gas emissions disclosures , we endorsed the landmark california climate corporate data accountability act ( ca sb 253 ) to improve transparency and drive progress in the fight against climate change . \n increased our use of recycled materials \n we 're making steady progress on our journey toward using only recycled and renewable materials in our products . in 2023 , 22 percent of the materials we shipped in apple products came from recycled sources . 4 this includes , 99 percent of tungsten , 71 percent of aluminum , 52 percent of cobalt , 25 percent of gold , and 24 percent of lithium \n in our products . 5 \n macbook air is the first apple product made with 50 percent recycled content \n this includes 100 percent recycled aluminum in the enclosure , 100 percent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets and , in another first for apple , 100 percent recycled copper in the main logic board .",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#7",
"name": "Apple Shares 2024 Environmental Progress Report Ahead of Earth Day - MacRumors",
"url": "https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/18/apple-2024-environmental-progress-report/",
"displayUrl": "https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/18/apple-2024-environmental-progress-report/",
"snippet": "apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n apple today announced that it has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than half since 2015 , advancing towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal . \n apple 's latest environmental progress report details the company 's efforts and innovations in clean energy , efficient recycling practices , and sustainable material usage that have contributed to this substantial decrease in emissions . according to the report , the major red...",
"summary": "apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n apple today announced that it has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than half since 2015 , advancing towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal . \n apple 's latest environmental progress report details the company 's efforts and innovations in clean energy , efficient recycling practices , and sustainable material usage that have contributed to this substantial decrease in emissions . according to the report , the major reduction has been driven by extensive use of clean energy , including the integration of recycled materials across apple 's product lines and improvements in energy efficiency throughout its global supply chain . \n apple has fostered significant advances in recycling and material recovery as part of its broader environmental strategy for several years . the company has increased the use of recycled cobalt and lithium in its batteries , with last year 's statistics showing that 56 % of the cobalt and 24 % of the lithium used were sourced from recycled materials . these efforts are part of a larger initiative to transition to 100 % recycled and renewable materials across all products . \n the report also highlights achievements in energy efficiency and renewable energy sourcing . over 16.5 gigawatts of clean energy are now being produced as a result of apple 's supplier clean energy program , which supports projects around the world . the program has been essential in reducing the carbon footprint apple and its suppliers , who collectively saved more than two billion kilowatt - hours of electricity last year . the company is also actively removing plastics from its packaging , shifting towards fiber - based alternatives . \n apple also provides financial support to various organizations and programs aimed at improving environmental conditions and promoting sustainability education . in the u . s . , for example , apple supports justice outside 's network for network leaders program , which focuses on outdoor and environmental education . \n tag : apple environment",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#8",
"name": "Apple touts halving emissions and increased recycling rates in 2024 environmental progress report - 9to5Mac",
"url": "https://9to5mac.com/2024/04/18/apple-2024-environmental-report/",
"displayUrl": "https://9to5mac.com/2024/04/18/apple-2024-environmental-report/",
"snippet": "aapl company \n apple touts halving emissions and increased recycling rates in 2024 environmental progress report \n apple has an ambitious goal to create a fully carbon neutral value chain for its products by 2030 , and every year it charts its progress in its annual environmental progress report . the 2024 report published today highlights a milestone achievement for emissions . \n apple says its overall greenhouse gas emissions have more than halved since 2015 , down 55 % . however , there is st...",
"summary": "aapl company \n apple touts halving emissions and increased recycling rates in 2024 environmental progress report \n apple has an ambitious goal to create a fully carbon neutral value chain for its products by 2030 , and every year it charts its progress in its annual environmental progress report . the 2024 report published today highlights a milestone achievement for emissions . \n apple says its overall greenhouse gas emissions have more than halved since 2015 , down 55 % . however , there is still more work to be done as the company will need to attain a 75 % reduction to meet its 2030 targets . \n the reduction in emissions primarily derives from more of apple ’s supply chain switching to renewable clean energy sources for power , and reducing the amount of electricity used at these factories . overall , supply chain facilities avoided almost 1.7 million metric tons of carbon emissions in 2023. and as of march 2024 , more than 320 suppliers have committed to sourcing renewable electricity for apple production processes . \n apple also praised its continuing work in recycling , and making new components out of recycled materials . \n in 2023 , 56 % of cobalt in apple batteries came from recycled sources , a 2x increase compared to the previous year . 24 % of the lithium in the batteries was also from recycled source materials . the macbook air with m 3 , released in march , is the first ever apple device to be made of > 50 % recycled material . \n improvements to repair processes also mean apple devices are used for longer , before they become unusable waste . apple noted how updates to the iphone 15 internal design mean that more of the device is now repairable directly at apple stores . for instance , the back glass repair on all iphone 15 models can now be done in store , resulting in a 70 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per repair , compared to iphone 14 pro . \n the company continues to reduce the amount of plastic used in packaging . the apple watch and apple vision pro feature 100 % fiber - based packaging .",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#9",
"name": "Is Apple's Sustainability Report Alarming ? Must Read - 2024",
"url": "https://coderesist.com/apples-sustainability-report/",
"displayUrl": "https://coderesist.com/apples-sustainability-report/",
"snippet": "sustainability \n is apple ’s sustainability report alarming ? must read \n apple 's sustainability report \n apple 's latest sustainability report is not alarming ; rather , it highlights significant progress and ambitious goals towards environmental sustainability . here are some key points that underscore apple 's positive strides : \n significant achievements \n reduction in emissions : apple has reduced its overall greenhouse gas emissions by more than 55 % since 2015 , which is a notable achiev...",
"summary": "sustainability \n is apple ’s sustainability report alarming ? must read \n apple 's sustainability report \n apple 's latest sustainability report is not alarming ; rather , it highlights significant progress and ambitious goals towards environmental sustainability . here are some key points that underscore apple 's positive strides : \n significant achievements \n reduction in emissions : apple has reduced its overall greenhouse gas emissions by more than 55 % since 2015 , which is a notable achievement given their substantial growth in revenue during the same period . \n renewable energy initiatives : over 320 suppliers have committed to using 100 % renewable electricity for apple production , representing 95 % of apple ’s direct supplier spend . this commitment is crucial for achieving apple ’s goal of transitioning its entire value chain to clean energy by 2030 . \n innovative product design : apple is making significant progress in using recycled materials in their products . for example , the iphone 15 lineup and apple watch series 9 use 100 % recycled cobalt in their batteries , and the macbook air is the first product made with more than 50 % recycled content . \n ambitious goals \n apple 2030 : apple aims to be carbon neutral across its entire carbon footprint by 2030 . this includes a 75 % reduction in emissions compared to 2015 levels , with the remaining emissions offset through high - quality carbon removal projects . \n sustainable material use : apple plans to transition to using only recycled and renewable materials in its products and packaging . by 2025 , they aim to use 100 % recycled cobalt in all apple - designed batteries and 100 % recycled tin , gold , and rare earth elements in various components . \n community and environmental impact \n power for impact program : apple is expanding access to clean energy in underserved communities and supporting clean water and sanitation programs in countries like nepal , colombia , and india . \n circular economy : apple ’s trade-in program and efforts to increase product longevity and material recovery contribute to a circular economy , reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing environmental impact . \n challenges and transparency \n addressing emissions : while apple has made significant progress , it acknowledges that not all emissions can be avoided with current technology . therefore , they invest in high - quality carbon removal projects to offset remaining emissions . \n transparency : apple is committed to transparency in its environmental initiatives , regularly publishing detailed reports and engaging in industry collaborations to drive broader change . \n apple 's comparative analysis of the sustainability reports \n source data – companies sustainability / esg reports published on thier portals \n key highlights \n apple : leading in renewable energy initiatives and sustainable product design with significant use of recycled materials . \n dell : strong emphasis on community empowerment and circular economy with ambitious net - zero targets . \n hp : focuses on water conservation and reduction of single - use plastics with comprehensive carbon reduction goals . \n lenovo : committed to net - zero by 2050 with significant progress in renewable energy use and product design for sustainability . \n opportunities to collaborate with apple \n here are some opportunities for companies to collaborate with apple to help achieve and improve their sustainability goals : \n 1. renewable energy partnerships \n supplier collaboration : companies can join apple ’s supplier clean energy program , committing to 100 % renewable energy for their apple production . this partnership can expand the use of renewable energy across the supply chain . \n renewable energy providers : companies specializing in renewable energy can collaborate with apple to provide innovative and scalable renewable energy solutions , including solar , wind , and other sustainable sources . \n 2. sustainable material sourcing \n recycled material suppliers : companies that supply recycled materials , such as recycled aluminum , cobalt , and plastics , can partner with apple to increase the use of sustainable materials in apple products . \n innovative material development : companies can work with apple to develop new sustainable materials that meet the high - performance standards required for technology products . \n 3. circular economy initiatives \n recycling and refurbishment : companies can collaborate with apple on recycling and refurbishment programs to improve the efficiency and scale of material recovery from old devices . \n product longevity and repair services : partnering with apple to offer repair services and extended warranties can help increase product longevity and reduce electronic waste . \n 4. carbon reduction projects \n carbon offset providers : companies that provide carbon offset solutions can work with apple on projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere , such as reforestation and carbon capture technologies . \n low - carbon manufacturing : suppliers can adopt low - carbon manufacturing practices , such as using low - carbon materials and optimizing energy efficiency in their operations . \n 5. water and resource management \n water conservation technologies : companies can introduce advanced water conservation technologies and practices to help apple achieve its water neutrality goals . \n sustainable resource management : partners can offer solutions for better resource management , such as reducing water usage in manufacturing and promoting the use of sustainable materials . \n 6. innovation in packaging \n eco-friendly packaging suppliers : companies that provide sustainable packaging solutions can help apple transition to 100 % fiber - based packaging and reduce plastic use . \n packaging innovations : collaborate on developing innovative packaging materials that are both sustainable and functional . \n 7. community and social impact programs \n community engagement : partner with apple on initiatives that provide clean energy and technology access to underserved communities through programs like power for impact . \n education and training : companies can collaborate on educational programs that promote sustainability and environmental stewardship among employees and communities . \n 8. technology and data solutions \n sustainability data analytics : companies can offer advanced data analytics solutions to help apple track and report on their sustainability progress more effectively . \n smart manufacturing technologies : introduce smart manufacturing technologies that optimize energy usage and reduce waste in apple ’s supply chain . \n 9. logistics and transportation \n sustainable logistics : logistics providers can offer low - carbon transportation options , such as electric vehicles and biofuel - powered ships , to reduce emissions from apple ’s product distribution . \n supply chain optimization : collaborate on optimizing supply chain operations to reduce environmental impact , improve efficiency , and lower costs . \n apple is really serious about going green and making a big impact . they ’ve got over 320 suppliers now using 100 % renewable energy just for making apple products . their goal is to be completely carbon neutral by 2030 , which is a huge deal . plus , they ’re always coming up with cool new ways to use recycled materials and design sustainable products . it ’s not just about apple—it ’s about leading the way for the whole tech industry . keep checking back to see how apple is pushing the envelope on environmental responsibility and inspiring others to do the same . \n tags : \n apple esg report esg report sustainability",
"datePublished": null,
"dateLastCrawled": null
"id": "https://api.langsearch.com/v1/web-search#10",
"name": "Apple Shares 2024 Environmental Progress Report Ahead of Earth Day | MacRumors Forums",
"url": "https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-shares-2024-environmental-progress-report-ahead-of-earth-day.2424424/",
"displayUrl": "https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-shares-2024-environmental-progress-report-ahead-of-earth-day.2424424/",
"snippet": "apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n apple today announced that it has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than half since 2015 , advancing towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal . \n apple 's latest environmental progress report details the company 's efforts and innovations in clean energy , efficient recycling practices , and sustainable material usage that have contributed to this substantial decrease in emissions . according to the report , the major red...",
"summary": "apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n apple today announced that it has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than half since 2015 , advancing towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal . \n apple 's latest environmental progress report details the company 's efforts and innovations in clean energy , efficient recycling practices , and sustainable material usage that have contributed to this substantial decrease in emissions . according to the report , the major reduction has been driven by extensive use of clean energy , including the integration of recycled materials across apple 's product lines and improvements in energy efficiency throughout its global supply chain . \n apple has fostered significant advances in recycling and material recovery as part of its broader environmental strategy for several years . the company has increased the use of recycled cobalt and lithium in its batteries , with last year 's statistics showing that 56 % of the cobalt and 24 % of the lithium used were sourced from recycled materials . these efforts are part of a larger initiative to transition to 100 % recycled and renewable materials across all products . \n the report also highlights achievements in energy efficiency and renewable energy sourcing . over 16.5 gigawatts of clean energy are now being produced as a result of apple 's supplier clean energy program , which supports projects around the world . the program has been essential in reducing the carbon footprint apple and its suppliers , who collectively saved more than two billion kilowatt - hours of electricity last year . the company is also actively removing plastics from its packaging , shifting towards fiber - based alternatives . \n apple also provides financial support to various organizations and programs aimed at improving environmental conditions and promoting sustainability education . in the u . s . , for example , apple supports justice outside 's network for network leaders program , which focuses on outdoor and environmental education . \n see apple 's full 2024 environmental progress report for more information . \n article link : apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n article link \n https : / / www . macrumors . com / 2024 / 04 / 18 / apple - 2024 - environmental - progress - report / \n well done on helping the environment and the world . it ’s good companies and people overall are taking the initiative to do this . maybe we will see more movement and reports from others along the way . \n please no more cringe worthy skits like the \" mother nature \" bit we had to suffer through last year . \n earth day is all fine , but next quaterly results is going to be dearth day in view of china iphone sales . \n quoting from investopedia : \n sales in china , apple 's largest overseas market , dropped 24 % in the first six weeks of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 , according to market research firm counterpoint . the iphone maker 's market share in china slipped to 16 % in 2024 , falling to fourth place from second place in 2023 , when it had a 19 % share . 5 mars 2024 \n the company has increased the use of recycled cobalt and lithium in its batteries , with last year 's statistics showing that 56 % of the cobalt and 24 % of the lithium used were sourced from recycled materials . \n who collectively saved more than two billion kilowatt - hours of electricity last year \n the company is also actively removing plastics from its packaging \n all this recycling and saved electricity and lessened plastic use are going to lead to lower costs for the consumer too , right ? \n . . . . right ? \n you know what 's actually good for the environment ? letting people work remote . \n apple today announced that it has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than half since 2015 , advancing towards its 2030 carbon neutrality goal . \n apple 's latest environmental progress report details the company 's efforts and innovations in clean energy , efficient recycling practices , and sustainable material usage that have contributed to this substantial decrease in emissions . according to the report , the major reduction has been driven by extensive use of clean energy , including the integration of recycled materials across apple 's product lines and improvements in energy efficiency throughout its global supply chain . \n apple has fostered significant advances in recycling and material recovery as part of its broader environmental strategy for several years . the company has increased the use of recycled cobalt and lithium in its batteries , with last year 's statistics showing that 56 % of the cobalt and 24 % of the lithium used were sourced from recycled materials . these efforts are part of a larger initiative to transition to 100 % recycled and renewable materials across all products . \n the report also highlights achievements in energy efficiency and renewable energy sourcing . over 16.5 gigawatts of clean energy are now being produced as a result of apple 's supplier clean energy program , which supports projects around the world . the program has been essential in reducing the carbon footprint apple and its suppliers , who collectively saved more than two billion kilowatt - hours of electricity last year . the company is also actively removing plastics from its packaging , shifting towards fiber - based alternatives . \n apple also provides financial support to various organizations and programs aimed at improving environmental conditions and promoting sustainability education . in the u . s . , for example , apple supports justice outside 's network for network leaders program , which focuses on outdoor and environmental education . \n see apple 's full 2024 environmental progress report for more information . \n article link : apple shares 2024 environmental progress report ahead of earth day \n does anyone know why apple does not mention airpods in their environmental reports ? \n they 've woven themselves in to a fine mess trying to appear environmentally friendly . waiting to see how they spin the return of leather or if they just go silicone cases in september . \n nobody cares . tell us about products you sell . \n earth day is all fine , but next quaterly results is going to be dearth day in view of china iphone sales . \n quoting from investopedia : \n an knowledgable investor would understand that saving the planet is more important than sales , and the stock will rise accordingly . \n personally , i believe the increased repairability of items is a bigger deal than using recycled materials in new materials . if their goal is to truly reduce total usage ( and not sell more products ) then being able to repair an item easier will help with reducing the total waste we have rather than just replacing with a new product . \n all this recycling and saved electricity and lessened plastic use are going to lead to lower costs for the consumer too , right ? \n . . . . right ? \n for sure it will stem cost increases due to inflation - driven cogs / overhead / benefits / etc increases . \n sadly , many here who don't understand the big picture with respect to product production and environmental consequences will see the above as some kind of perpetrated woke con by apple . \n all this movement of green , environment , planet , save , energy , renewable . . . . . is a complete b - s . \n they took out the earpods , then the charger block , then the plastic wrap , they even took out the plastic that covers the screen when you first take the phone out the box for crying out loud . . . . . \n apple 's excuse is to \" protect the environment \" which in reality is to cut more expenses on their end and apple still charging the loyal consumer even more . . . . . guess whats the problem , or who is the problem adding to this ? ? ? \n the loyal consumer . the consumer that justifies this \" reasons \" are big part of the problem , that 's why apple do whatever they want . \n nobody cares . tell us about products you sell . \n too many people with this attitude , is why we ’ll fail to stop global warming , and our children are going to suffer the consequences . \n too many people with this attitude , is why we ’ll fail to stop global warming , and our children are going to suffer the consequences . \n i have no kids , so whatever . lol . \n apple thinks we care , but we really don ’ t . and like it was said earlier , that awful skit with tim and team , gag . \n go innovate and make better products for once . they seemingly have gotten very lazy \n it is great to see recycling …buttheyneedtoshowusthattherecycledmaterialsaresafe . recycledmaterialsuchasplasticisnotoriousforaccumulatingtoxinsandotherchemicalsfromprioruse,storageandtherecyclingprocessitself . \n what they need to do is work with the manufacturers who they outsource to and tell the consumer the whole story . \n where did those recycled materials come from , what do they contain , are they safe ? what is the pollution from both recycling and manufacturing ? \n i find it extremely hard to believe that the standards apple has for its own business activities are carried over right back through the outsourced supply chain . remember , apple is notorious for driving hard deals with suppliers . . that pressure is antithesis to what sustainable is about . \n personally , i believe the increased repairability of items is a bigger deal than using recycled materials in new materials . if their goal is to truly reduce total usage ( and not sell more products ) then being able to repair an item easier will help with reducing the total waste we have rather than just replacing with a new product . \n exactly …reducedconsumptioniskey…betterrepairability,modularityandlongevityisthefutureofsustainability . \n too many people with this attitude , is why we ’ll fail to stop global warming , and our children are going to suffer the consequences . \n i think things will just get worse and worse …civilisationsinthepasthavebeenwipedputduetoenvironmentalchanges . onlythistimeitwillbeonawholenewlevel . crapintheground,inthesea,intheair . .inspa ce. our junk is everywhereandi ts com posi tionandstructureissuc h th atthetrashandourmaterialsofpastfe w hun dredyearswillleaveaneffectively per manen t s car on theplanet . \n exactly …reducedconsumptioniskey…betterrepairability,modularityandlongevityisthefutureofsustainability . \n repairability does not automatically equal less waste . we have data - free arguments on this topic , which means the arguments are completely based on in unverified assumptions . \n user level repair or manufacturer level repair . it doesn’t matter from the environment ’s perspective . if i trade in an old phone to buy a new phone and my old phone gets refurbished and used again , from an environmental perspective it is the same as me fixing it . if non - repairability allows the phone to be built more robustly so it lasts longer . that offsets some of the benefit that user level repair provides . then , if i do user level repair and simply trash , the old component that ’s being replaced , that ’s actually worse than turning in a phone to be fully recycled . \n this is not to be misconstrued as an argument against user level repair . only that we don’t have enough data to argue one way or the other . we need to know the useful lifespan in both use models and the recycle rates in both use models . we do not have this data . \n i don’t even know if it ’s possible to get this data since they ’re so a few user repairable phones . maybe they could instead do a comparison using computers where we have a lot of data in both use models . \n repairability does not automatically equal less waste . we have data - free arguments on this topic , which means the arguments are completely based on in unverified assumptions . \n user level repair or manufacturer level repair . it doesn’t matter from the environment ’s perspective . if i trade in an old phone to buy a new phone and my old phone gets refurbished and used again , from an environmental perspective it is the same as me fixing it . if non - repairability allows the phone to be built more robustly so it lasts longer . that offsets some of the benefit that user level repair provides . then , if i do user level repair and simply trash , the old component that ’s being replaced , that ’s actually worse than turning in a phone to be fully recycled . \n this is not to be misconstrued as an argument against user level repair . only that we don’t have enough data to argue one way or the other . we need to know the useful lifespan in both use models and the recycle rates in both use models . we do not have this data . \n i don’t even know if it ’s possible to get this data since they ’re so a few user repairable phones . maybe they could instead do a comparison using computers where we have a lot of data in both use models . \n getting reliable and trustworthy data is extremely difficult . \n but in my experience , user enabled repair at home can be extremely effective if the device is designed with that in mind . thats the key . . . repairability and longevity have to be designed in . at the moment that is just not the case with most household goods , including computers and phones . it is far more environmentally friendly to ship a small part to a user , and ship the defective part back . . . \n if you send in a device for repair and get a new one . . . you are relying on someone else buying that repaired device instead of getting a new one . and if you have it recycled . . . well then there is the environmental cost of your new phone . . and the environmental cost of the recycling ( yes , recycling causes waste too ) . thats why it 's best to reduce consumption in the first instance . . . this is the best way forward until our devices can be recycled sustainably . \n personally , i believe the increased repairability of items is a bigger deal than using recycled materials in new materials . if their goal is to truly reduce total usage ( and not sell more products ) then being able to repair an item easier will help with reducing the total waste we have rather than just replacing with a new product . \n there is a section about this in the report . \n this graphic is pretty hilarious , \" iphone longevity journey \" \n ( black items are \" repairable at retail stores , apple authorized service providers , and central repair locations \" ) \n iphone 1st generation : \n sim - tray \n apple thinks we care , but we really don ’ t . and like it was said earlier , that awful skit with tim and team , gag . \n go innovate and make better products for once . they seemingly have gotten very lazy \n it ’s irrelevant if we “ care ” . apple is marching toward their states progress . consumers will buy products or not , but apple is still headed toward carbon neutrality . \n sick of their high up grade pricing and constant virtue signaling . \n in the meanwhile the milions finewoven bands ending in the bin . \n nobody talkin about that shizzle .",
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Authentication parameter. Example: Bearer xxxxxx
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